Is the power of Forgiveness important for health?

Is the power of Forgiveness important for health?

Resentment causes us to remain tied to a past that no longer exists. And although it is not easy to forgive, it is important to know that forgiveness is for ourselves, since remaining in a position of resentment hurts us, rather than the other person. Forgiveness is not only good for the soul and spirit; it is also beneficial for our health, so it is worth to putting into practice. Reduces pain, improves stress levels and your quality of life.

A study called "Forgiveness and Physical Health" conducted at the University of Wisconsin indicated that forgiveness can help prevent heart disease in middle-aged people. (Source: Selecciones Magazine).

We must also apply the benefits of forgiveness to ourselves, stop regretting our mistakes and faults, forgive ourselves and stop feeling that we deserve to be punished. Let’s take actions in order to change and improve.
Why health is related to living in Peace

"Health is for people, what peace is for society" Both have to do with living well, feeling well, with tranquility, enjoyment and freedom. ONE CANNOT BE WITHOUT THE OTHER.

PEACE, whether it is thought of as a state of health of the social group or as a medicine to achieve its well-being (as Mahatma Gandhi saw it). In the 20th century, social scientists presented peace as a synonym for well-being and balance, they defended peace as a value that must be worked on and helped to build. They concluded that peace must be seen as a target, to build and defend. (University of Antioquia, 2016).

On the contrary to peace, there is war ... Where death, disease and restlessness overflow, the opposite of health and being well. Don't live in War ... live in PEACE!

Why cultivate the value of being thankful every day?

Be thankful every day, make it more than a habit, a value, a true feeling that can change your life. When you are grateful you focus on the positive instead of the negative, it increases your happiness, improves your way of seeing life and facing challenges, as well as improving your self-esteem because you will realize how many blessings God has given to your life, everything that happens to you and what fortunately does not happen to you.

These are reasons why an attitude of gratitude has the power to turn difficulties into opportunities, problems into solutions, and losses into profits. It enriches our emotional and therefore social life.

Robert Emmons of the University of California and Dr. Michael McCollough of the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, demonstrated in a study that the daily exercise of Gratitude causes an increase in alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy.

On the other hand, it is noticeable that being grateful reduces stress, anxiety, blood pressure and depression, as well as anger and resentment. There are plenty of reasons to want to continue living happy and grateful. We challenge you to look around and thank for everything that is on the landscape of your life.
"Look for 100 reasons to be thankful every day" Ripan.

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